While Kiwanis Club of Canandaigua organizes a large number of projects each year, some of our signature annual projects include:

  • Literacy book shelves - Located in several locations around Canandaigua, these shelves provide books to young children free of charge to encourage reading.

  • Inclusion in Motion Playground - Located in Outhouse Park, Kiwanis played a major role in the creation of this playground, one of the first in the nation, to allow children of all abilities to play side-by-side. Kiwanis also provides ongoing volunteer support for events like the Back-to-School Bash and weekly cleanup.

  • Scholarships are available for high school seniors and college freshman. Ask your guidance counselor for more information.

  • Highway cleanup - Twice a year, Kiwanis volunteers spruce up a section of highway in Canandaigua.

  • Easter egg hunt - 9000 eggs and LOTS of prizes are part of this annual project funded and coordinated by Kiwanis.

  • Children’s holiday party - Held at the Salvation Army, activities, refreshments, a Santa visit and gifts are given each year in December.

  • Children's Carnival - Held at the YMCA, lots of games and prizes are featured at this event, open to children as a winter activity.

  • Senior bingo - Bingo is held monthly at 80 Parrish Street to engage area seniors in a fun activity.

  • Movies in the park - Each summer, Kiwanis sponsors two movies that are shown on a large outdoor screen in Baker Park. Families are also treated to movie refreshments.

  • Halloween events - Partnering with the city and town of Canandaigua, Kiwanis volunteers dress up and give out treats and host games for area children.

  • Veterans' outreach - Several projects are conducted each year with the local VA, including garden cleanup, holiday cards and more.