The Canandaigua Kiwanis Foundation is initiating a grant program for not for profit 501(c)(3) organizations that:
  • Serve young people in attaining vocational excellence.
  • Aid persons with disabilities in regaining happy, useful lives through the expending of funds directly for such purposes
  • Furnish funds to other organizations organized for charitable, educational, scientific research, or educational purposes, or the prevention of cruelty to children all within Ontario County.
  • Have Programs that have measurable outcomes and demonstrate sustainability without grant funds. 
The Canandaigua Kiwanis Foundation is an independent fund-raising and grant making community organization which funds projects that have a positive impact on our community. This is our initial year of offering grants to area not for profits.  Applicants must be a 501 C 3 nonprofit in Ontario County, that serves youth within this geographic area and involves children ages 0-18.  For our launch we have preselected organizations to apply. 
If you were a preselected organization and need to obtain a copy of the application the grant application can be found under Page Download Files above.
Grants typically range from $500 - $5000. All grant requests must be received NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 1st, 2024.  All applications will be screened for completeness and to ensure they meet Canandaigua Kiwanis Foundation criteria. Funds will be distributed by December 31, 2024.
Please check back to this page to see grant awardees. 
If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please email us at
Kim Bagley
Pam Metting
Canandaigua Kiwanis Grant Committee Chairs